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Tiger News & Announcements
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Champions!!!

Thursday, January 30th, our 4th grade classroom bee winners competed in the Spelling Bee! Congratulations to the 6 students who participated today: Jayden, Kareem, Memphis, Rhett, Rylen, and Trinity! We are very proud of all of you!

Our winner is Memphis Reinhardt and Rhett Wilson is our Runner Up!!!

Best of luck to Memphis as she competes in the Cleveland County Spelling Bee in February!

Read More about Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Champions!!!
Thank You So Much!

We would like to say ‘Thank You’ to David and Marie Brinkley for donating the funds to purchase new Smart boards for Mrs. Turner’s Kindergarten classroom! We appreciate your continued support of North Elementary School!

Read More about Thank You So Much!

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